Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Environmental Health Videos

After going to the website listed above there were MORE than "8 short videos" that were posted. So, I just picked the 8 that appealed the most to me:

#1 - "Global Warming 101" talks about how the global temperature has risen over the last century by 1.2-1.4 degrees farenheit. We produce more toxic gasses and use more resources which all traps in the 'greenhouse gasses', which warms the Earth.

#2 -  "Garbage Island" talks about an "island" that is in the Pacific ocean that is made up completely of TRASH. The estimate the size of this island to be double the size of Texas. This trash makes it way to this certain area of the ocean by the current patterns that are pulled from ALL over the world. The video talks about how "we are eating our own garbage" - plastic doesn't biodegrade (it only photodegrades, and not completely), smaller animals eat the tiny bits of plastic, larger animals eat those animals and then we eat the larger animals.

#3 - "Story of Stuff" talks about how "stuff moves through a system" - Extraction -> Production -> Distribution -> Consumption -> Disposal - All together these things are called "Materials Economy". It talks about how corporations have basically brainwashed society into believing that we NEED stuff. That, without STUFF we are worthless.

#4 - "The Most Terrifying Video You Will Ever See" - The man in this video shows us a 'chart' using a Punnett Square. Using this technique he shows us how our actions vs. various circumstances will affect our future.

#5 - "Population Growth" - talks about how quickly the world's human population grows and the affect it will have on the environment.

#6 - "The Story of Bottled Water" -  talks about the cost involved in bottling water: the waste, the cost, the production, etc. 1/3 of all bottled water that's manufactured in the US is TAP water.

#7 - "The girl who silenced the world in 5 minutes" - is about a 12 year old girl who flys 5,000 miles to speak at a convention. She talks about how we need to help save the planet and conserve our resources to preserve the future for our children and our children's children.

#8 - "Saving Valentina" - is a video about a group of people that were out on a boat doing research on whales when they came across a humpback whale that had been almost fully entangled in a fisherman's net. The great whale was SO entangled (and had been for a long time) that she was exhausted and near death. The crew spent all day cutting the netting away from her and freeing her back into the ocean.

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