Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The science of sex appeal or the miracle of life...

I watched the videos from: 

In a photo test: 8 out of 10 people found the ones with more symmetrical faces to be more attractive.

The human body can recognize the scent of a relative. Evolutionary tactic to avoid mating with a relative.

Women are more choosier about their mate than men.

Women prefer more masculine looking men when they are ovulating and more feminine looking men when they are not. Women are more likely to be prone to promiscuity because of the biological need to find a good mate.

There are certain body shapes that are more attractive to the various sexes. Pictures of different people and body types, are shown to various participants and their eye movements are tracked to see where on the bodies they linger the most.

Do humans mate for life? When your body is designed to "stray", is mating for life a real thing? Humans are special because we form long-term bonds. A "monogamy hormone" called Vasopressin is produced in monogamous animals/people.

A woman's monthly cycle changes the sound of her voice and therefore changes her attractiveness to males. 

Men were given a low dose (gas) of 'copulance' while being asked to rate photos of women, the results were pretty interesting - they found almost all the photos, even the notedly unattractive ones to be highly rated.

While searching for your desired partner, you may have to "settle" for someone "in your league".

Men tend to choose women with higher, sweeter voice and Women tend to chose men who have a deeper, stronger voice.

Bodies that have more movement (hip sway) in women and broader shoulders in men tend to be more attractive to the opposite sex.

There are different brain systems for love and for lust. You can lust after someone and not be in love with them and you can be in love with someone and never have had sex with them before.

Testosterone and Dopamine affect the way we go after a mate and how we act when we are with a mate.

Women tend to change their flirtation techniques (subconsciously) when they are in their ovulation cycle. Women who are ovulating and have a steady partner tend to flirt the most and show the most skin.

When a woman is ovulating certain male scents are more attractive than others. 

Why do we choose the partner that we do?  We tend to de-value ourselves and shoot "too high" in trying to find a mate. We end up settling to someone that is closer to what/who we are.

We walk differently when we know that we are being watched. We tend to "perform" more when we know that someone of the opposite sex is watching us.

Facial recognition software shows us that we tend to not be attracted to people that we are related to. Our brains use both smell and sight to help us avoid mating with people that might give us unhealthy offspring (incest awareness).

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