Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Exercise Routine

Exercise Routine!

This came, in part, by a workout that one of my trainers gave me a few months ago. It's easy to follow and gets the job done!

Monday: (arms, chest, core)
·         Warm-Up:  20 Minutes of Cardio activity (running, exercise bike, jogging – anything that gets your heart rate up!) and 15 push-ups
·         Routine/Circuit:  (3 sets)
o    Chair Dips – sit on the edge of a chair/bench. Grab the front of your chair so that your fingers are underneath the seat. Use your arms to lower your body in front of the seat until your shoulders and elbows are the same height.  20
o    Bicep Curls – Using 5-10lb weight, do 20 per arm (40 total)
o    Chest Press – Lie on your back. Hold a weight in each hand, elbows bent, hands by your shoulders with your palms facing each other. Push the weight toward the sky while rotating your arms so that your palms are facing your feet when fully extended. 20
·         Cool-Down: Stretch/ do yoga for 10-20 minutes.

Tuesday: (butt, legs, core)
·         Warm-Up: 20 minutes of Cardio activity of your choice
·         Routine/Circuit:  (3 sets)
o    Crunches – 35
o    Reverse curls – lie on your back with your arms at your side. Pick your legs up so that your lower body is then at a right angle. Lift your butt 2-4inches off of the floor and lower it. 35
o    Squats – Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hands at your sides. ‘Sit back’ like you’re sitting onto a chair, while lifting your arms in front of you. Do 20.
o    Lunges – Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hands on your hips. Step forward with your left leg until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Stand back up and do your right leg. 20
o    Dead Lifts – Get a 3-8lb weight for each hand. Stand with your arms hanging in front of your body (like a zombie). Bend forward from your waist until your hands touch the floor. 25
·         Cool-Down: Stretch/ do yoga for 10-20minutes

·         Warm-up: 20 minutes of Cardio activity of your choice.
·         Free time: Work on your weakness day! Pick an area you want to focus on and do that days workout.
·         Cool-Down: Stretch/ do yoga for 10-20 minutes

Thursday: (back, shoulders)
·         Warm-up: 20 minutes of cardio activity of your choice
·         Routine/Circuit: (2 sets)
o    Jumping jacks – hold 1-3lb weight in each hand. 25
o    Shoulder presses – Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, holding a 3-5lb weight in each hand. Bend your arms and place your hands next to your shoulders with your palms facing forward. Raise your arms up and slowly back down. 20
o    Lateral raises – stand with your feet shoulder width apart, holding your weight in each hand. Turn your palms toward each other, then push your arms straight to the sky until they shoulder height. Slowly lower them. 20
o    Front raises – Stand with your hands by your sides, holding your weight in each hand, raise your right hand in front of you and then slowly lower it. Then raise your left hand and slowly lower it. 40, 20 per arm.
·         Cool-Down: Stretch/ do yoga for 10-20 minutes.

Friday: (butt, legs, core)
·         Warm-up: 20 minutes of cardio activity of your choice
·         Routine/Circuit:
o    Donkeys – Get on all fours. Bring your knee into your chest and then kick it straight out and up. Switch legs. 30, 15 each leg.
o    Squats - – Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hands at your sides. ‘Sit back’ like you’re sitting onto a chair, while lifting your arms in front of you. Do 20.
o    Oblique Twists – Lie on your back with your knees bent, hands behind your head. Lift your head and shoulders off of the floor as you rotate your torso to the right. Do the other side. 40, 20 each side.
o    Pelvic lifts – Lie on your back with your knees bent, arms to your sides. Lift your butt up to the ceiling then slowly back down to the floor. 20.
·         Cool-Down: Stretch/ do yoga for 10-20 minutes.

·         Get out and do something! Go swimming for 60+ minutes, go hiking, running, bicycling… Anything, just get moving!!


·         Rest. Maybe stretch/ do yoga.

I find myself reading this post whenever I need help in re-focusing my goals:

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