Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Stress and Psychological wellness assignment

For this assignment I chose "The Fun Theory".
The video in the blog was great! I saw something similar, live, at a mall in Seattle!
I liked the video so much that I went to YouTube and looked for more! There were so many, but I think my favorite was this one:

It made me smile and it was awesome to watch people go and gather trash from the surrounding area just so that they could hear the bin make the noise again!

I believe that people, at their core, want to do the right thing and be inner-directed as opposed to other-directed. When you do the right thing you aren't bringing on unnecessary stress. In fact, it's a form of eustress!
Being able to bring down your stress levels, and recognize your stressors in any way you can, will help you to achieve homeostasis which is what every person should strive for. Having fun & being social (one of the 6 dimensions of wellness) can actually help you avoid, fight off and cope with things like depression, self-esteem issues, anxiety, various social phobias and more!

An article I found online actually talks about how the act of simply smiling more can help reduce stress!

"It sounds like the most useless advice imaginable: Just put on a happy face. Conventional wisdom is that smiling is an effect of feeling happy, rather than the other way around. Simply smiling in stressful situations can’t possibly make you feel any better, right?
Wrong. A fascinating new study by University of Kansas psychologists that will soon be published in the journal Psychological Science indicates that, in some circumstances, smiling can actually reduce stress and help us feel better." - Joseph Stromberg
Read more: 

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